Secured Base

What is Secured Base?

SECURED BASE purposes to fulfill Mark 1:17, through a simple, relational, intentional, authentic and strategic story-telling method and process. As Jesus did.

Mark 1:17

  • To follow Christ
  • To be changed by Christ
  • To be committed to Christ’s mission of making disciples

We have in-person & online sessions available via Google Meet! In these sessions, you’ll get the opportunity to dive into the Word of God and explore the life of #Jesus with our awesome Disciplers! They are prepared to delve into the Word of God alongside you, offering mentorship and guidance as you navigate through the scriptures 🙌🏼


  • C – Confidentiality, to be trustworthy with other’s personal information.
  • H – Honesty, to be our honest selves. To be who we are when unmasked. Our real thoughts, opinions. To approach the Word as we really are. We need to be real to heal.
  • R – Respect, we respect each other by arriving on time. By communicating anticipated unpunctuality. Giving each other full attention when speaking. We respect by remembering details about each other.
  • I – Intercession, we are committed to praying on for each other daily. Praying privately for other’s needs, hardships, successes or opportunities that are shared.
  • S – Spiritual growth, we meet to grow spiritually. How much of my true state is of the likeness of Christ? We intentionally grow and abide in the Word of Christ so that Christ would form in us.
  • T – Timothys, as we are discipled ourselves, we are able to discover another friend, family member, work member,  a stranger, a Timothy whom we can each invite, and encourage to follow Christ with us. The fisherman Andrew encouraged his brother Simon to follow Jesus. The apostle Paul encouraged young Timothy.

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