How to be saved


 Hello, thank you for scanning the QR code that directed you to this page where you can read this important message. We want to share something truly important with you — a message of hope and purpose. It’s about having a personal encounter with Jesus, understanding the gift of salvation, and realizing the profound importance of God’s unique plan for your life.


Encounter with Jesus: The heart of this message is a personal encounter with Jesus. He offers a transformative relationship that brings peace, joy, and fulfillment. It’s an invitation to experience love and forgiveness, transcending any mistakes or shortcomings. The Gift of Salvation: In Jesus, we find the path to salvation. This isn’t just a distant promise; it’s a present reality. Accepting Him as your Lord and Savior brings a new life, washed clean from past sin and mistakes, and opens the door to an eternal relationship with God The Father.

 God’s Plan for Your Life: Every life is purposefully designed by God. Understanding His plan is key to unlocking your full potential. It’s a journey where you discover your unique gifts, contribute to the world, and find purpose in your existence.

The Most Important Thing to Know: The most crucial thing we want you to know is that you are loved, valued, and never alone. Jesus came so that you may have life and have it to the full. He also offers a transformative relationship, a gift of salvation, and a purposeful plan for your life. Embracing this truth can bring immeasurable joy and fulfillment.


Feel free to reach out if you have questions or if you’d like to explore this further. We’re here for you.


Apostle Cruise, Pastor Marissa Westerlund and the SNF Leadership.

 Here is our email address if you would like to connect or have any questions: We are actively engaged with our Facebook page called; ‘Supernatural Fellowship.’ Feel free to join our SNF programs; you are more than welcome!


Romans 10:9-10  that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

First, you must give your heart to Jesus Christ and repent of the sins in your life. Jesus will then take away every sin from your past from that moment on. No matter what sin you have committed, He will never remember them and His Spirit will come into you and live within you. You will have His peace and joy within, which the world can never give you. He truly wants you to go to Heaven and be blessed while you’re on earth.

Going to church is very important to the Lord because it is His house, and He wants His people to praise Him. It is important that we attend a spirit-filled and Word-based church that believes solely in the Bible as the incorruptible Word of God. We cannot stress out how important it is for you be saved or born again. In order for you to enter the Kingdom of God, you must be born again as the Scriptures say. It is only through faith in Jesus Christ and not by any man’s good deeds, good morals or good character that secures one’s citizenship in Heaven. It is expedient that we surround ourselves with believers who love Jesus and are living to serve God wholeheartedly.

Reading the Bible daily and praying, many times a day, is a good way to build a strong relationship with Jesus. This way, you will have better discernment to identify His voice. God talks to us through His Spirit and the Bible is the primary way to hearing God speak directly to us.

Learning God’s Word is very important. Without knowing His Word it’s very hard to live a holy life and very difficult to please the Lord.

When you walk in His truth and abide by His ways, you’ll develop an ear to hear God’s voice; sometimes in whispers and other times His Spirit speaks into our spirits. When this happens it is like a normal conversation between two people. Many times, it is a relationship that is developed overtime as you grow in your pursuit of Christ.

After giving your heart to God, you must work out your salvation daily by giving up the worldly things that have caused you to sin or stumble in your walk with God. Repentance means to turn away from sin and that is the best indicator of how you begin your journey with God. The Holy Spirit is promised to be the one who will live in you to strengthen you in every area of your life and you will find an unspeakable joy that you could have never imagined. The world can never match this joy.

God will test your obedience and if you are sincere, God will begin blessing you beyond belief. Some blessings come quickly, while others are slower to come. This is why we have to pray continually and make sure that we are walking out our salvation with fear and trembling. (Phi 2:12)

With God, nothing is impossible. He can do any and all things through us, but He will never force us to come to Him. We are born with a will and it is a matter of personal choice for each and everyone to come to Him or reject Him. He wants us to make a choice for Him and not the world.

This is the reason that anyone who has the salvation experience should witness (share) and let others know about the Jesus that lives within them and resides in them.

Get saved today, don’t wait another day. The Bible says: Today is the day of salvation….not tomorrow!

There is a simple prayer below (not a formula) but when uttered with all sincerity can make the biggest difference for you. Remember, eternity is at stake. Choose wisely.

God bless you.

Prayer of Salvation

Dear Lord Jesus,

I know that I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness.  I believe that You died on the cross for my sins.  Please forgive me for my sins and cleanse me by Your blood.  I renounce all my wrongdoings and I now accept You by faith as my personal Lord and Savior.  Give me a thirst for Your Word and help me to follow You for all of my days. Thank you for saving me.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.


17 Then Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”


Secured Base

Discipleship with the Word of God is crucial as it fosters spiritual growth and equips individuals to navigate life’s challenges with divine wisdom. By immersing ourselves in Scripture, we gain a deeper understanding of God's purpose and guidance, which strengthens our faith and transforms our character. This journey not only deepens our personal relationship with God but also empowers us to live out our values and serve others more effectively, ultimately shaping a more purposeful and fulfilling life.


Secured Base

Discipleship with the Word of God is crucial as it fosters spiritual growth and equips individuals to navigate life’s challenges with divine wisdom. By immersing ourselves in Scripture, we gain a deeper understanding of God's purpose and guidance, which strengthens our faith and transforms our character. This journey not only deepens our personal relationship with God but also empowers us to live out our values and serve others more effectively, ultimately shaping a more purposeful and fulfilling life.

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